Gender Equality at Work: Insights from Jindal Stainless
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Culture, Stainless Spirit

Gender Equality at Work: What You Really Think!

March 7, 2023    



Gender stereotyping acts as a significant obstacle in the journey towards achieving equity, like a blank canvas on which society paints its assumptions and expectations about what it means to be male or female. However, the women at Jindal Stainless are playing a crucial role in challenging and breaking down these stereotypes, creating a more diverse and inclusive society. Like wildflowers growing through the cracks in the pavement, they are defying the odds and blooming in unexpected places, using their creativity, intelligence, and determination to break down barriers and push back against limiting gender stereotypes. 

To further encourage this resilient attitude among our women, we conducted a survey that included participants from both within and outside the organization. The objective of this survey was to assess the extent to which gender stereotypes influence our opinions and create awareness about the same in society at large. Participants were asked to describe what an ideal nurse, leader, teacher, factory worker, and sportsperson should be like.The results are in, and they’re both interesting and thought-provoking!


It turns out that when it comes to an ideal sportsperson, only 6.50% used “she/her” pronouns, while 63% used male pronouns. Yep, that’s right. Sports are still seen as a male-dominated profession in India, and it shows in how people describe their ideal sportsperson. But don’t lose hope! The results also suggest that attitudes towards women in sports are changing, and more needs to be done to promote gender diversity in sports.

Gender Equality at Work


In contrast, teaching is viewed as a gender-neutral profession in India. That’s great news, right? But let’s not forget that there are still gender disparities in the teaching profession. Women are still underrepresented in higher education and leadership positions in education.

Gender Equality at Work


Now, let’s talk about an ideal nurse. Care-giving is traditionally considered a feminine trait and that is why professions such as nursing or flight attending are traditionally reserved or assumed to be for women. It’s a welcome change of pace to see the usage of gender neutral terms for such a role.

Gender Equality at Work



This is an interesting one! The survey found that not a single person used “she” to describe an ideal factory worker, while a majority used genderneutral terms. Women are still underrepresented in this field, but the survey results indicate that there is a growing recognition of the importance of gender diversity in all professions.

Gender Equality at Work


When it comes to an ideal leader, the survey results were  a little disappointing. No one used a female pronoun to envision their ideal leader! This is reflective of the reality of today’s world wherein leadership positions are still male-dominated, and there is a need to encourage and promote more women in leadership roles. 

Gender Equality at Work

The survey results provide valuable insights into the changing attitudes towards gender diversity in the Indian workplace. It’s encouraging to see progress being made, but there’s still much work to be done. Gender diversity is not just a moral imperative; it’s also good for business. Studies suggest that companies with more women in leadership positions perform better financially. Gender diversity leads to a variety of perspectives, which can improve decision-making and creativity. 

We need to break down gender stereotypes in professions. We hope that the survey results will encourage you to think about gender diversity in our workplace and how we can work together to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day by committing to breaking down gender barriers in not just all professions but also our minds!
