An SHG in Kalinganagar takes up rice de-husking project | JSL
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Culture, Socially Stainless

An SHG in Kalinganagar takes up rice de-husking project with Jindal Stainless Foundation

June 6, 2021    


Villagers augment their income and self-reliance with the support of Jindal Stainless Foundation, in this case with a rice dehusking machine
Villagers augment their income and self-reliance with the support of Jindal Stainless Foundation, in this case with a rice dehusking machine

One of the key intervention methods applied by Jindal Stainless Foundation in the area of skill development is creation of self-help groups, or SHGs. United by the purpose of their growth, SHGs serve as communities driving growth of each member through upskilling and support.

In Odisha, a Kalinganagar-based SHG of 13 members expanded its area of operation by adding a motorized rice de-husking machine. This not only brought more business to the group, especially during the current pandemic situation, but also helped the community members by providing them this facility at their door steps. On an average, the machine de-husks around 250 – 300 kgs of paddy in a day. 

Apart from this, the SHG is also engaged in other income generating activities such as poultry farming, mushroom cultivation, etc. The journey doesn’t stop here, since the group continues to plough back part of their profits as investments to expand their business avenues.
