Bumper Production - Jindal Stainless
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Culture, Stainless Spirit

Bumper Production

October 15, 2020    



Stainless Spirit

“With limbs that move in a majestic arc,

They glow like a beacon of light in a world so dark.

Efficiently enduring every ordeal

They embody the spirit of stainless steel.”

In our ‘new normal’, many of us are working remotely or with face masks and social distancing amidst a world health crisis. In such times, it can be difficult to stay motivated but that’s why we turn to each other for support and encouragement. We are proud to share employees of Jindal Stainless not only supported and motivated each other during these times but also managed to achieve achieved multiple ‘highest-ever’ milestones in the month of September! We achieved:

  • Highest-ever production at Steel Melting Shop (SMS) in Jajpur at 90,355 MT
  • Highest-ever group sales (domestic + exports + SPD + flat products) at 1,37,078 MT
  • Highest-ever domestic sales at 1,02,012 MT
  • Highest-ever dispatch from Hisar at 61,800 MT
  • Highest-ever dispatch from SPD, Hisar at 2,692 MT

What better way to prove that a comeback is always greater than any setback!

Let’s find out the details of this exceptional performance from our leaders in Hisar and Jajpur Featured in this story are Head, SMS, Mr Kishore Kumar Gurbaxani from Jajpur; and Head, Dispatch, Mr D P Verma, and AGM, SPD, Mr Aditya Krishnani from Hisar.

Starting with the highest-ever production at SMS, how did we achieve this milestone? 

Mr Gurbaxani – People will question why didn’t we do it earlier, but I must say, reaching a daunting goal requires seamless planning and smooth execution. We took the steps at every level and applied the 3R (Revisit, Rethink, and Rework) model on every loophole. The whole team of SMS was supported by the management of the organization, all the HODs, and a few departments, including CSM, Procurement, and Logistics, to make this happen.

You talked about taking multiple steps to achieve this; please elaborate.

Mr Gurbaxani – Key technical and managerial steps helped us along this journey. 

A heightened (meeting was arranged with the CSM team regarding the planning requirements for taking single or double heats as per the situation.

  • Top Lance Flow rate was increased at AOD in order to enhance the decarburization rate which resulted in lesser process time.
  • Casting speed was optimized as per the situation in order to maintain higher sequence.
  • Second skimmer was installed successfully which helped to supply the melted liquid to AOD without any delay.
  • Effective coordination was carried out between different sections such as EAF, AOD, LRF, and Caster regarding the heats and sequence changes in order to minimize the holding time and operational delays.
  • Meltdown was planned effectively as per the daily requirements, in order to minimize the delay in charging.
  • Final chemistry and opening chemistry were controlled as per the quality plan. The process parameters were maintained strictly as per Service Level Agreement (SLA).
  • Daily targets for production were set, revised and achieved in line with the overall production status.
  • The availability of the required raw materials at the site was ensured on time.
  • A wider section at the Caster was changed in order to produce higher number of heats (22) in 3 days. 

What were the challenges the team has faced due to COVID-19 and how did the team overcome them?

Mr Gurbaxani – Undoubtedly, COVID-19 affected almost every part of the business, inclduing our shop floor areas. We were facing major issues regarding the workforce as most of the workers were not present due to COVID. We also needed to ensure social distancing and sanitisation on the shop floor areas. So, we took a few steps after discussing with the internal COVID-19 task force.

 The steps were:

  • An incentive scheme was introduced for workmen for their efforts on following proper social distancing and safety regulations. This helped in increasing the productivity of employees and boosted their morale.
  • In order to avoid large gatherings in a single shift, manpower management was done by proper allotments of operators, technicians, and workers in different shifts to smoothen the carry-over between two shifts.
  • Sanitisation was carried out at shop floor areas on a regular as well as need basis.

In the end, the management had given the liberty to all the concerned area-in-charges, managers, and workers to achieve their targets on the basis of their capability by following proper Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and safety regulations. The same targets were also added in their Key Performance Trackers (KPTs).

“Our employees are our pride and by achieving the milestone during the pandemic they have proved that they have the qualities of ductility and high strength and they will continue to shine just like Stainless Steel. “

Meanwhile in Hisar….

It’s exemplary that in the month of August, 57,000 MT+ dispatches were made, and in September, we surpassed that and set a new record of 61,800 MT+ dispatches. The Special Products Division (SPD) also broke its record for the third month in a row in September by making dispatches of 1,174 MT in 0.1mm JBS (Jindal Blade Steel) segment and a total of 2,962 MT dispatch in September. 

Let’s hear from the people who are at the forefront and who have watched this dream coming to the reality. In conversation with Head, Dispatch, Mr D P Verma and AGM, SPD, Mr Aditya Krishnani.

Q- Tell us the story behind the record dispatch of 57,000MT in August and 61,800 MT in September.

Mr Verma – For the Dispatch team of our Hisar plant, success means growing effectively and efficiently using innovative solutions. In the past as well, we have broken our own set records in terms of production and dispatch but this time, we were facing a behemoth and unprecedented challenge posed by COVID-19. The challenge was not just to resume operations post lockdown, but to keep our manpower safe and keep the motivation flowing so that they also keep marching ahead. We banked on team work and coordination to find our way forward. As the nation unlocked, production picked up pace in all the units. If we talk about September, then 

  • In SMS, 62,000 MT steel was casted. 
  • In Steckel Mill as well, highest-ever rolling of 52,700+ MT was done. 
  • Team CRM also achieved highest ever OTIF (on time in full) of more than 95% by maximizing thinner rolling (6,500 + MT). 

So, it is clear that we all are inspiring and rooting for each other so that we can grow together.

Mr Krishnani – The target was achieved by gathering different ideas from the team during the lockdown period, and then implementing the best ones when operations resumed in the plant. In August, our overall dispatch was of 2,918 MT, including 1131MT in the 0.1mm JBS segment. Again in September, we transcended that record by making dispatches of 2,962 MT, including 1,174 MT of 0.1mm JBS. For this, we are extremely thankful for the support from CR, HR, Quality Assurance, Logistic, Purchase, Utility, R&D, JBS core team and the Marketing team for their immense support.

Q- What were the steps taken in order to achieve theses targets?  

Mr Verma – With our eyes set on the goal, we kept moving forward and came up with an action plan that was practical and productive. We got in touch with the top management and formed a 24-hour shift plan. We divided the 24 hours into 3 shifts and balanced each team in terms of workforce and materials handled. From time to time, we kept monitoring the progress and updating the management accordingly. From the very first day post lockdown, we were confident that we would chase our goal of breaking the dispatch record and never let anything distract us. 

Mr Krishnani – We started working on productivity improvement at different stages of SPD like pickling productivity and annealing lines productivity. We majorly focused on enhancing productivity at the Nobag slitting lines. This helped us in achieving the set target.

Q-Who are our major customers? 

Mr Verma – Our major customers are P&T, Railways, Hollowware, Elevators and Re-roller companies. But to be honest, the name of customer doesn’t matter. We believe in delivering the product to the customer on time. We respect all the units for putting in all the efforts for production, that too in such trying times. 

Mr Krishnani – All major blade manufacturers in India and abroad are our key customers.

Q- What were the pandemic-related challenges faced? 

Mr Verma – The COVID-19 pandemic has affected life around the globe and industries are not untouched by this. We faced disruption in our supply chain. As mentioned earlier, the major focus of our team was on safety. Keeping that in mind, we implemented contactless paper handling methodology at each and every step, which helped us in minimising the touch points. Besides this, all the employees and workers were made aware of the virus, its cause and effects.

Mr Krishnani – We faced many challenges in terms of manpower availability and wellness of available manpower. But plant was prepared well and all necessary precautions were taken to overcome this issue.

What is the next target?  

DP Verma- Every month, we set new targets, and make our strategy accordingly. That is the reason why we keep ourselves always ready. Dispatch depends upon production and with our enthusiastic and dedicated production unit, I am sure that in the coming month, we will ship more product than the previous one.Mr Krishnani – We are targeting for 3000+ MT dispatches from SPD using existing facilities. The entire team is working tirelessly in order to achieve this target. We are definitely close to it and I am positive that we will make more dispatches than the set target in the next month.
